Forgetting your password happens to everyone, so if you ever forget your password, you are able to reset it following these instructions
Step 1:
Head to and select sign-in or, to get straight to the login page.
Step 2:
Enter your email address and select "next".
Step 3:
Select "I forgot my password".
Step 4:
You will be prompted to check that the email address entered is the one you used to sign up for Zudello. After checking the address, select "send reset email".
Step 5:
You will be notified that a password reset email has been sent.
Check your emails for the password reset email. It will look something like this:
Step 6:
Open the email and select "choose a new password"
Step 7:
Choose your new password, enter and re-enter it, and then select "update my password" to confirm the change.
You're all done! You will receive an email acknowledging the change.