In the event you need to access the document immediately and can't wait for Scanning and Analysing you can send the document to User Review.
If there is a rush to get a document progressed and the scanning or analysing phase is taking too long, Zudello has the option for users to bypass the scanning and analysing phase and map the document themselves.
By doing this, Zudello will take the document out of the extraction stages and send it to User Review un-extracted. As a result, you will either need to complete the document manually or map the document using Zudello's mapping tool.
How to cancel the document extraction
Step 1:
Upload a document into Zudello either by email or by manually adding it via the Add Document feature.
Step 2:
You'll find the document you uploaded under the scanning phase. Select the document to open it.
Step 3:
Choose 'Cancel scan'.
Step 4:
This will progress the document straight to User Review status where the you will be required to manually map or enter the document.
For more instruction on completing the document manually and mapping a document please see the respective knowledge base articles.