Add additional inboxes to your Zudello account to further automate the location and subsidiary document coding and segregate your documents.
Zudello enables teams to import documents for processing into Zudello directly by email. As a result, each Zudello Team module will have a document email address assigned to it to collect incoming documents from customers, suppliers and other team members and import them into Zudello.
By default, each module (Sales, Purchase and Statements) will have 1 email addresses associated to it, however you can create additional Team inboxes to segregate incoming documents.
For further automation you can assign inboxes to automatically allocate documents received to a location or subsidiary set up in Zudello. Most customers which set up multiple inboxes will use this location/subsidiary auto-assign function to streamline their document allocation process.
How to create a new team inbox
Step 1:
Go to you Team menu and choose Settings
Step 2:
Select Mail boxes to view your current inboxes and create a new inbox.
Step 3:
Choose Add an Inbox.
Step 4:
Choose a name for the Inbox.
Step 5:
Select what type of documents the inbox will receive.
Sales - The inbox will receive sales documents such as customers orders
Purchasing - The inbox will receive purchasing documents such as PO's, Delivery dockets, supplier invoices and credits
Statement- The inbox will receive statements
Step 6:
Choose the email address name. All email addresses will end in
Step 7:
If the inbox belongs to a specific location, choose the location from the drop down. All documents received from this inbox will be coded to this location.
Step 8:
If the inbox belongs to a specific subsidiary, chose the subsidiary from the drop down. All documents received from this inbox will be coded to this subsidiary.
Step 9:
Choose Next at the bottom.
Step 10:
In the next Window choose Close. You do not need to check you email and provide a code at this stage.
Step 11:
After, your new inbox will be created and will be able to begin to receive documents.