Zudello enables team to create Purchase Requisitions and Purchase Orders and send them through an approval process.
Zudello automates the complete procurement process starting with the Purchase Requisition process. From within Zudello, you'll be able to create a Purchase Requisition for the goods you wish to order and send it through an approval process before being sent to the supplier as a Purchase Order.
For the benefits of this article we will call a newly created and unapproved purchasing document a Purchase Requisition or PR, however some customers may choose to call this document a Purchase Order and may not use the Purchase Requisition terminology.
How to create a Purchase Requisition
To create a PR, start in your Zudello account under the Purchasing module.
Step 1:
Select Add Document.
Step 2:
Choose Create Document.
Step 3:
A new document will be created and will open for your completion under the User Review stage.
How to enter the Purchase Requisition Header details
Step 1:
Begin by selecting the document type as Purchase Requisition (or Purchase Order).
Step 2:
Zudello will automatically populate the number of the Purchase Requisition based on the next number in the sequence and the date issues as todays date.
In the event you need to update these fields type directly into the boxes to override the data.
Step 3:
Enter a Due Date and reference for the PR.
Step 4:
Zudello will automatically set the currency of the PR however you can update this if you are purchasing goods from overseas.
How to match a Purchase Requisition to the Supplier
Step 1:
Find the Match with this Supplier field under the Company header.
Step 2:
Type the name of the supplier you wish to match to in the Match with this Supplier field and select it.
The document will now be matched to the supplier.
How to add Delivery Address information to a Purchase Requisition
Step 1:
Expand the Delivery address section of the document.
Step 2:
Either select a Saved Address by choosing Select and existing address and choosing delivery address from the drop down menu or enter the delivery address in manually in the respective fields.
How to add Inventory items to the Purchase Requisition
Step 1:
To add an item, scroll to the Items table near the bottom of the screen.
Step 2:
To add a line item to the document, select Add line at the bottom of the table.
Step 3:
Type in the SKU of the item you are ordering. Select the appropriate item code.
After selecting the item code, the description, unit price and any additional automated coding will be applied to the line. For example, if you have locations set up on your item records, Zudello will automatically populate the Location based on the item identified on the document.
Step 4:
Complete any other required fields on the line such as the quantity ordering and the coding.
To modify a field, type directly into the box.
Step 5:
To add another line item, select Add line and repeat the steps.
How to add Non-Inventory items to the Purchase Requisition
Step 1:
To add an item, scroll to the Items table near the bottom of the screen.
Step 2:
To add a line item to the Purchase Requisition, select Add line at the bottom of the table.
Step 3:
In the Description field, enter in the description for the line.
To add the description, type directly into the field in the table.
In the event you have default coding set up on the supplier record, Zudello will code the line based on what have been set.
Step 4:
Enter in the quantity, unit price and total price for the line item. Enter directly into the box in the table.
Step 5:
Code the remainder of the PR. Type directly into the box in the table and select the value you wish to apply.
Step 6:
To add another line, select Add line and repeat the process.
How to enter the Purchase Requisition totals
Step 1:
Select whether the lines total field includes tax or excludes tax. If the document total column includes tax, choose Including Tax.
If the total price excludes tax choose Excludes Tax in the Line Totals field.
Step 2:
Enter in the subtotal for the PR. If the document includes tax, enter the tax inclusive value as the subtotal. If the PR excludes tax, enter the tax exclusive total as the subtotal.
Step 3:
Enter in the tax amount for the PR.
Step 4:
Enter in the total amount for the PR.
Your PR will now be completed. Either Save your changes at the top or Save and Approve the PR to send it through your approval workflow.