Occasionally, documents fail to be read. Most of the time, this happens when an unsupported document type is uploaded. Please see our Unsupported Documents and Supported File Types articles for more information.
If the document uploaded is supported and it fails to be read, none of the data from the document can be extracted or sorted into fields. When this happens, the AI Assistant will be unavailable. The AI Assistant button will be dulled and you will be unable to select it with a message saying "The Zudello AI was unable to read this document".
You will need to rescan the document to access the AI Assistant.
To do this:
1. Select the three horizontal dots next to the save button. This will open a drop-down menu.
2. Scroll down and select "Rescan Document"
The document will now be rescanned and you will be able to use the AI Assistant. If the issue persists, please get in contact with our support team