Zudello fetches organisational, financial, inventory and contact data from Xero to populate your Zudello Team and process your documents.
Zudello fetches organisational, financial, inventory and contact data from Xero to populate your Zudello Team and process your documents.
Fetch Workflows overview
Zudello fetches the data required to process documents directly from your Xero accounts, leading to easy setup and maintenance. Using Fetch workflows, Zudello initiates scheduled data fetches, importing newly created and updated data from your Xero account into your Zudello Team.
Zudello schedules data fetch workflows to run on a scheduled basis ensuring Zudello captures newly created and updated records. For more frequently created records like Contact and Items, Zudello schedules fetches to occur on an hourly basis. For other records which are less frequently updated or created, Zudello schedules fetch workflows to run on a daily basis.
In the event you need to amend the frequency of a fetch workflow, you can configure the scheduled event and either increase or decrease the frequency of the workflow depending on your business requirements.
Once the data has been created in Zudello, you’ll be able to begin importing and coding documents for processing in Xero.
The Zudello - Xero Fetch Workflows
After the workflows have been deployed to your account, you’ll find one fetch workflow per record type in Xero.
Fetch Workflows:
Fetch Tax Rates - Tax Rates
Fetch Items - Items
Fetch Contacts - Contacts - Sales & Purchasing
Fetch Accounts - Chart of Accounts
Fetch Tracking Categories - Tracking Category 1 & 2 (Location/ Subsidiary)
How to sync data to populate your new Zudello account
To populate your Zudello account, Zudello uses 5 fetch workflows: Fetch Tax Rates, Fetch Chart of Accounts, Fetch Contacts, Fetch items, Fetch Tracking Category 1 and Tracking Category 2.
Step 1:
Once you connect to Xero, Zudello will automatically add the relevant fetch workflows based on your setup to your Zudello account and automatically run them to fill your Zudello account with Xero data.
Step 2:
Zudello executes each fetch in the required order to ensure each record is populated correctly. It may take up to 1 hour to sync the data depending on how many records you have.
Step 3:
After the fetches have completed, you’ll have all the required data to begin processing your documents.
How to manually fetch data from Xero
Zudello enables you to run the workflows as a one off in the event you need to fetch data outside of the regular fetch schedule.
Step 1:
Go to your Team Settings and Choose Workflows
Step 2:
Find the fetch workflow you wish to run and select it
Step 3:
Choose the Play button to run the workflow. Zudello will then execute the fetch workflow and sync the newly created and updated data to Zudello. Choose Save Changes at the top right-hand corner.
Return to your purchasing screen to continue processing documents.
How to turn off a fetch workflow and de-activate the sync
In the event you do not want to continuously fetch data or tracking categories you can turn off a fetch workflow. This will turn off the scheduled fetch and deactivate the data sync between Zudello and Xero.
Step 1:
Go to your Team Settings and Choose Workflows
Step 2:
Find the fetch workflow you wish to de-activate and select it using the box to the left of the workflow title.
Step 3:
Choose disable in the bottom menu.
Zudello will now disable the workflow from running. To re-enable and sync data go through the same steps however choose Enable.