Zudello enables you to create and configure custom document statuses to track your documents as they move through the document lifecycle.
Zudello uses statuses to categorise documents as they move through the document lifecycle. By default, Zudello has a number of statuses to track the document as it progresses through the system, however you can also add custom statuses or rename the default ones.
A common example of a custom status is a Credit Note status to track invoices that require a credit note in order to be approved.
How to create a custom status
Step 1:
Select your Team Menu and choose Settings.
Step 2:
Select Documents in the Developer section.
Step 3:
Choose the module you wish to update the statuses for. Choose the pencil to edit the module.
Step 4:
On the right side of the page, you will see your current document statuses. You can either add new statuses or edit your current statuses. To add a new status, click on the + symbol in the top right corner.
Step 5:
Enter the name of the Status you wish to add.
In the Status key for the status. When entering the status key remove any spaces. We recommend keeping the status key the same as the status so it can be recognised.
Enter the Status type. The status type determines where in the process the status falls.
Scanning - status falls under the overarching scanning phase.
Review - status falls under the overarching User Review phase.
Active - status falls under the overarching Ready phase.
Approval - status falls under the overarching Approval phase.
Completed - status falls under the overarching Completed status.
Step 6:
Choose to enable the status to make it an available status.
Step 7:
Select whether the status can be set manually. You should enable this option if you want your team to be able to move a document into this status by selecting the status on the document.
Step 8:
Choose whether you want to display documents in this status by default using the Selected toggle. If you choose not to enable this, document in this status will be hidden by default (similar to the Archived, Deleted and Completed status).
Step 9:
Select the colour for the status. Click on the colour circle to bring up the colour picker tool. Select the colour you wish to set and click out of the colour picket box.
Step 10:
Choose Save to save the status.
Your custom status will now be created.