With Zudello, you have the ability to link related attachments to any of your documents so that you can have all the necessary information accessible and in one place.
Adding related attachments
Step 1:
Start by selecting the document from any section that you wish to add an attachment to.
Step 2:
Select the pin icon from the top right menu.

Step 3:
Click the "Upload attachments" button

Step 4:
Similarly to uploading documents elsewhere in Zudello, you can either drag and drop the document into the window or use "click here to upload" to search your computer's file directory to find the document. Like uploading documents elsewhere, you can upload multiple attachments at once.

Step 5:
Once your document has been uploaded (indicated by the full green bar and double tick), click "Close" to close the window.

Now, your attachment will be available for viewing by all users in your team with access to the original document. You also have the ability to view the attachment by clicking the grey icon next to the red rubbish bin icon, or you can delete the attachment by clicking the red rubbish bin icon.

There is no need to click save, the attachment will automatically appear in related attachments the next time the document is opened.