For documents to process correctly to your ERP, it's important that the Line total field is set to the correct Tax option.
Zudello processes documents with both line totals including tax and line totals excluding tax and automates the data capture. To process your document to your ERP or financial system correctly, Zudello uses the Lines Total field to tell the ERP whether the line totals are including or excluding tax and what time of calculations need to be done to be accepted by your integrated system.
In the event you set this field incorrectly, you run the risk of your ERP system adding extra tax onto the document after it is transferred.
Zudello has two options to classify the Lines total for the document - Including Tax and Excluding Tax. When decided what option to apply reference the document line item totals.
⚠️⚠️ Zudello has a Tax Exempt option however this should NOT be used for invoices with no GST as this can break integrations. Instead, choose Tax Inclusive for Tax-exempt transactions and set the tax rate as 0.
Including Tax
A document should be set to Tax Inclusive if the line-item total fields includes GST in the total value.
In this case, 10% GST has been added to the Total column so the document should be set as Tax Inclusive.
Excluding Tax
A document should be set to Tax Exclusive if the line-item total fields exclude GST and GST is added in at the end in the subtotals.
In this case, the line does not have GST included and the GST is added at the bottom of the document. This document should be set as Excluding Tax.
How set a document to Including or Excluding tax
Step 1:
Select the document you which to update.
Step 2:
Select the line total drop-down menu.
Step 3:
Select either ‘Include Tax’ or ‘Exclude Tax’.
Step 4:
Check that the subtotal correct.
If the document is Including tax the subtotal should be the line total (which is the same as document total)
If the document is Excluding tax the subtotal should be the excluding tax subtotal of the line (which is the same as the document subtotal)
Step 5:
Check that the tax is populated correctly, this should be the total tax amount.
Step 6:
Check that the document total is correct, this should be the transaction total.
How to default whether a customer or supplier sends Including or Excluding tax documents
In the event your customers and suppliers always send you document with lines including or excluding tax you can set this as a default on the customer or supplier record. As a result, when you receive document from the customer or supplier Zudello will set this field for you.
💡 It is best practice to update the customer or supplier tax records as document comes in so the next time you don't need to edit the Lines total field.
Step 1:
From the document, scroll to the Company section of the document.
Step 2:
Select View Supplier.
Step 3:
Find the Document totals field and set it to either Including Tax or Excluding Tax based the type of documents the contact send you.
Step 4:
Choose Update.
The customer or supplier record will now be updated with the Line total information and will automatically set it the next time it sees a document from the customer/supplier.