The chat feature in Zudello allows you to communicate with your fellow Zudello team members from within the Zudello platform.
Zudello makes it easy to communicate with team members directly from your Zudello platform. Easily request help from your accounts team and collaborate with other departments directly from the document. After sending a chat, your team members will receive a notification alerting them there is a comment on the document.
Step 1:
Begin by opening a document. Once the document is open you can open the chat feature by selecting the chat bubble icon in the header.
When you open the chat feature, you'll find any previous chat's saved to the document.
Step 2:
To send a chat use the ‘@’ symbol and type in the name of the team member you want to message.
Step 3:
Type your question or comment and choose Send.
The team member will then be notified of your message.