How to delegate a user's approvals if they are away or leave the organisation.
If you are a non-administration user, you are able to set your own delegations. For administration users, you can also set other users’ delegations.
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Non-administration user
Step 1:
Enter the settings section of Zudello by selecting your team icon and then settings from the drop-down menu.
Step 2:
From the left sidebar, select “my profile” under the company subheading.
Step 3:
Select the pencil icon in the top right corner of your information window to open the edit profile window.
Step 4:
Click on either “delegation” or the arrow to its right to reveal the delegation options.
Step 5:
Select user and choose the user you wish to delegate to from the drop-down menu.
Step 6:
Enter the start date and end date of the delegation.
After the end date, the delegation will automatically be cleared and the tasks will return to their original user.
Select save to finalise the delegation.
Administration User
Step 1:
Enter the settings section of Zudello by selecting your team icon and then settings from the drop-down menu.
Step 2:
From the left sidebar, select “users”, under the company subheading.
Step 3:
Select the user whose tasks you wish to delegate.
Step 4:
Click on either “delegation” or the arrow to its right to reveal the delegation options.
Step 5:
As with non-administrative users, select the user you wish to delegate the tasks to:
The start date and end date of the delegation:
After the end date, the delegation will automatically be cleared and the tasks will return to their original user.
Step 6:
Finally, select update user to confirm the delegation.