Approving your documents through workflows.
Using the workflows Zudello is able to set up approvals suited to your business requirements. The rules can be set up based on any data available within the system or on the documents and can escalate from 1 user to multiple users.
Some examples may include:
GL Accounts
Departments and more
The Approval Steps
Once an Approval has been set up and the rules are in place for the specific workflows, the approvals are then generally triggered through clicking “Save & Approve” on the document, when the document is in the “Ready” or “Review” status.
It will then change the document to the “Approval” status and assign the specific user to the document for approval. The user will also be notified through an email.
Once notified, the user is able to either approve directly from the email body or use a link redirecting the browser to the document within Zudello.
Here’s a quick guide on how it works.
Step 1:
When all the correct information is allocated within the document and is ready for the next approver. Click Save & Approve on the invoice header.
Step 2:
The document is then moved to the “Approval” status, and the user is assigned to the document and an email notification has been sent.
The will have the Supplier’s Name, Date, and the allocated GL account.
By clicking “Approve”, the document will then either move to “Complete”, transferring the data across to the connected Accounting, Inventory or ERP system. Or based on the account rules, move to the next Approver in line.
Alternatively, by clicking “Decline” the document will move into the “Rejected” status and will be available for action.
You can also click the “View document” to be redirected straight to the document within Zudello.
Step 3:
If already logged in to Zudello, there is full visibility of the documents in the “Approval” status.
Using the “User” Filter on the left-hand side of the “Purchasing” section, to see the documents which are assigned to the user.
Note: If the user is already set to “Own-Only” permissions, that user will only be able to see documents that are assigned to them.
Alternatively, deselecting the statuses other than the “Approved” will filter the document showing only the documents, which require approval.
Then select the document that requires approval and take the next steps.
Step 4:
Once opening the document that requires approval, there are a few new actions that appear in the invoice model
With the correct permissions, the user can change the information on the document, and click “Update” which will then save the changes.
By clicking “Reject” the document will move into the “Rejected” status and will be available for action.
“Approve” will then complete the document transferring the data across to the connected Accounting, Inventory or ERP system. Or based on the account rules, move to the next Approver in line.
Again with the correct permission, the edit symbol next to the assigned approver will give the ability to assign the document to another user.